Personalized portfolios created by fund managers
Build a mutual fund portfolio customized to your risk tolerance and financial goals.
Receive personalized, expert advice from a dedicated fund manager to create and manage your investments.
Your portfolio is periodically rebalanced to minimize risks and stay aligned with market trends.
Relax and enjoy life while our experienced fund managers expertly handle your investments.
With an investment amount of ₹50,000+
Looking for diversification in investments
Seeking professional management for portfolio creation and management.
Busy professionals who lack the time or expertise to actively manage their investments
Business owners who need to focus on their business and invest confidently with expert oversight
Mutual funds are investment vehicles that pool money from multiple investors to purchase a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, or other securities. They are managed by professional fund managers who make investment decisions on behalf of the investors.
Alphaamoney's Mutual Fund Portfolio allows you to create a personalized investment strategy tailored to your financial goals and risk tolerance. A dedicated fund manager will help you select and manage a portfolio of suitable mutual funds, ensuring regular rebalancing and expert oversight.
Mutual funds offer one of the safest ways for individuals to start investing and diversify their portfolios, as they are managed by expert fund managers. Alphaamoney enhances this experience by providing a dedicated fund manager who will help you select the most suitable mutual funds for your financial goals and objectives, making the investment process twice as efficient
Investing with Alphaamoney offers several advantages, including personalized portfolio management, dedicated relationship managers and 1-on-1 guidance from experienced fund managers.
Mutual funds are suitable for a wide range of investors, including those looking for a diversified investment option, individuals seeking professional management, and those who prefer a hands-off approach to investing.
The minimum investment amount for Alphaamoney’s Mutual Fund Portfolio is ₹50,000.
Yes, Alphaamoney offers personalized portfolios tailored to your specific financial objectives, investment horizon, and risk tolerance, ensuring your investments are aligned to your needs.